
You are required to contact 在线赌博推荐’s SCO and complete a Military Certification Request Worksheet to start your 好处.




能有军人是一种荣幸, 退伍军人, 还有你们的家人在在线赌博推荐多元化的学生群体中. 在线赌博推荐 has a large military student population, and we value your service and commitment to duty. We have many resources on campus to assist you with your academic goals and utilizing your military education 好处.

在线赌博推荐 charges qualifying military students and dependents the in-状态 tuition rate, 根据退伍军人法案第702条, 选择, 2014年和责任法案(“选择法案”), for payment of 好处 under the Post-9/11 退伍军人权利法》® and Montgomery 退伍军人权利法》®-Active Duty, 根据CCSNH财务政策,在421.01.1.

位于斯威尼大厅二楼, this quiet space offers you the opportunity to connect with other military students. 休息室设有一台电脑, 打印机, TV, 视频系统, 和CAC阅读器, 加上许多额外的资源材料.

在线赌博推荐在Sweeney Hall注册办公室有三个CAC阅读器, 电梯对面的一楼, 以及二楼军人学生休息室.

退伍军人权利法》®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站 http://www.好处.va.gov / gibill.


在线赌博推荐 offers rolling enrollment, which means it’s always a good time to enroll for next semester! 不知道该选什么课程? 检查 学习计划 或者给招生顾问发邮件 (电子邮件保护).

1. 申请退伍军人福利

在线赌博推荐的目标是帮助你, 你的家属, 警卫队, and reservists in using educational 好处 available through the Montgomery 退伍军人权利法》®. 联系在线赌博推荐的学校认证官员(SCO) 603-271-6484 x4279或 (电子邮件保护).

We strongly suggest you start these processes at least 8 weeks before the start of the semester:

1.退伍军人的网站. 点击教育福利的链接.

2. 如果你属于退伍军人协会的章节类别, 你将完成一份退伍军人管理局的申请,以使用你的退伍军人管理局教育福利. 您可以填写并提交 在线应用程序, 要求从退伍军人权利法》®网站邮寄给您一份硬拷贝申请, 或向上海合作组织提出申请.

3. 如果你完成了申请的纸质副本, 将申请表及下列所需材料寄至上海合作组织. 如果你在网上提交退伍军人事务部申请, 您还必须提供以下任何适用于您的文件, 上海合作组织:

  • 你的DD214(出院证明)副本
  • 奖学金或踢球合同信息
  • National Guard members: Notice of benefit eligibility (NOBE) from your unit commander

6-10周内, you should receive a certificate of eligibility and a letter explaining your VA 退伍军人权利法》® 好处. 将您的资格证书副本发送给上海合作组织. 收到退伍军人事务部要求提供更多信息的信并不罕见. You’ll have to answer the Department of Veterans’ Affairs request to be determined eligible and complete the process.

4. 申请入读在线赌博推荐. 有关详细信息,请参见下一节.

5. 注册课程后,请填写 军校学生学期认证工作表 并提交给在线赌博推荐的SCO. The SCO will then certify your enrollment with the VA for the semester, if indicated. 同时使用VA教育福利, you must verify your enrollment directly with the VA office at the end of each month during the semester (excluding chapter 31-VRE and Guardsmen that are only utilizing TA or TW).

Dropping classes while using military education 好处 may result in a debt with the VA and 在线赌博推荐. 退伍军人管理局会通知在线赌博推荐和你, 通过电子邮件, the amount of tuition and fees that will be required for 在线赌博推荐 to return to the VA. 然后,您将负责向在线赌博推荐报销这些退回的资金.

You may also incur debt for the monies provided to you for the book stipend and BAH. 退伍军人事务部也会通知你,如果这是因为退学而发生的. 在线赌博推荐 will not be informed of any debt incurred for books or the BAH (that information is only provided to the student). 这些资金将被要求支付给VA(而不是在线赌博推荐)。.

你可以填写一份 网上注册自动验证(WAVE) 或致电877-823-2378与退伍军人事务部办公室联系. Chapters 33 (Post 9/11) VA recipients need to verify their enrollment each semester using the VA’s verification system. 请按以下连结的步骤操作: http://www.va.gov/education/verify-school-enrollment/#for-post-911-gi-bill-benefits

只需要几分钟就可以完成. 如果你不遵循这个程序,你将不会收到你的每月付款. Please be aware that we are required by law to notify the VA whenever a change in enrollment affects your enrollment status. 这很可能会影响到你的VA付款.

2. 申请入学

好消息:没有申请费! 如果你填一下 在线申请,点击“首次创建用户”,按照提示操作. 否则,你可以 下载在线赌博推荐的应用,填好后交回 (电子邮件保护).

你还需要提交以前大学的正式成绩单, 大学, 或者高等教育机构,这样在线赌博推荐就可以评估他们的转学分. 成绩单可以由学院寄到 (电子邮件保护) 或邮寄至:

康科德,NH 03301

3. 申请经济资助

In addition to your VA 好处, 在线赌博推荐 participates in all forms of federal financial aid. If you’re eligible to receive military education 好处, complete the following steps:

  • Finish all paperwork required through military service and/or the VA at least 8 weeks prior to the start of the semester (the VA may take up to 8 weeks to process).
  • 提交 VA eligibility paperwork or guard and reservist tuition assistance/tuition waiver authorizations to 在线赌博推荐’s school certifying official (SCO). 接受退伍军人权利法》®和VR的学生&E (chapter 33 and 31 beneficiaries) must provide a certificate of eligibility or valid VAF 28-1905 to the SCO.
  • Set up a payment arrangement for your semester charges that are not covered by your military 好处. 这必须在学费到期日之前完成. 学费和杂费总是在学期开始前两周到期.
  • 提交 军校学生入学证明申请工作表 prior to the start of each semester you want to utilize your military education 好处 to the SCO.

根据2018年退伍军人福利和过渡法案, 接受退伍军人权利法》®和VR的学生&E (Chapter 33 and Chapter 31 beneficiaries) will be considered in good financial standing once the student:

  • 向在线赌博推荐的SCO提供资格证书或有效的VAF 28-1905
  • Establishes an approved payment arrangement for any tuition and fees (not covered by their 退伍军人权利法》® and VR&在每学期的学费到期日之前支付.

如果你的福利资格在学期中发生了变化, it is your responsibility as the student to make payment arrangements for any balance that may be due as a result of the change.

该机构不会施加处罚, or require the beneficiary to borrow additional funds to cover tuition and fees due to late payments from the VA.

The college will allow up to 90 days from the date the beneficiary provides COE or valid VAF 28-1905 form, 从军队领取军饷. 在这90天里, the beneficiary should not experience any interruption in educational services such as being withdrawn from their course for non-payment.

Are you a reservist or guardsman or planning to use federal tuition assistance? 下载此自由贸易协定PDF 获取更多指导.

你是想免学费的国民警卫队队员吗? Members of the NH National Guard may be eligible to take courses tuition free (members are responsible of all fees associated with courses) using tuition waiver under RSA 110-B:63-c. 请参阅指引、规定及限制:http://gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/VIII/110-B/110-B-63-c.htm). 学生必须提供完整的, authorized documents from their unit to the School Certifying Official at the college each semester prior to the start of semester classes.

在线赌博推荐 charges qualifying military students and dependents the in-状态 tuition rate, 根据退伍军人法案第702条, 2014年选择与责任法案(以下简称“选择法案”), for payment of 好处 under the Post-9/11 GI Bill and Montgomery 退伍军人权利法》®-Active Duty, 新罕布夏州社区学院制度下的财政政策.01.1.

4. 注册课程

Your academic advisor will help you registered for courses and introduce you to the Student Information System, 这样你就可以在网上获得所有的信息,比如考试日期, 作业, 和成绩.

You may need to take a placement test for a particular course; these can often be waived based on your high school GPA, 转移学分, 或标准化考试成绩,如SAT和ACT. 你获得AP考试学分了吗? 你也许可以应用它们!



寻找完整的大学经历? 住在校园里的3个宿舍之一. 有很多选择,比如混合性别和CHILL社区. 看看 居住生活 了解更多信息并申请校内住宿.


学费在开课前两周交 财务主管的办公室 能帮你整理所有的选项吗, 包括付款计划, 奖学金, 以及经济援助如何影响你的账单. 


在线赌博推荐在线赌博推荐的目标是让你在这里轻松过渡. 报名参加培训它通常从8点开始运行.m. 到2点.m. Bring a friend or your parents; we’ll show you around and answer all your questions. 


如果你是学生运动员, 联合健康专业的学生, 或者打算住在校园里, 在线赌博推荐需要你的健康史记录. 下载表格和说明 健康状况表单要求页面.